Men’s Beaded Surfer Necklace | Wooden Everyday Surfer Necklace


Simple colorful beaded necklace for an everyday stylish life

A simple necklace for everyday use created in a  boho style for surfer spirits. Simply a men’s beaded surfer necklace, in a  beautiful wood shades alternates with intense green jade stones . A very comfortable length of 55 cm, it has a chain that gives you an extra 5 cm. It s the perfect length for fitting easily with every outfit. The only requirement… being stylish!

Maybe you can surf and maybe you just love their style. You don’t have to spend every day at the beach or riding the waves to look like you do.

But Wearing jewelry is definitely a must for a surfer outlfit. The more BRACELET and ANKLETS you wear, the better it is;  don’t worry, exaggerate! About NECKLACES you can have fun trying different style like SURFER CHOKERS , LONG SURFER WOODEN NECKLACES and COWRIE SHELL NECKLACES.
Of course be careful in the ocean, better wear something tight 🙂

On my SHOP  you will find your matching jewels and for more advice for a perfect outfit, check out my Blog!

Feel free to CONTACT ME for any information or if you would like some customization on my men’s beaded surfer necklace necklace, some little changes like length, colors or details. My goal is your 110% satisfaction and I’ll be very happy to help!

For shipping information CLICK HERE

In conclusion don’t forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM for being always up to date on my new creations 🙂

Handmade boho-hippie jewelry by KrisWanderer


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